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By Jephon
#168183 How does one get on the default pixelmon server list? Certain amount of traffic? Donations? Connections?

Just curious. I searched for instructions or really any info about it and found nothing on both the forums and wiki.


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By Jephon
#173380 This is a bit of a necro post and I apologize.

I do want to bring this topic back up.

I'm hoping there is a list of standards a server must meet before it becomes a default server on the list. If there is such, could we be provided with it?

After I posted the above post, I was randomly placed as a default server. I thank whoever did that but my intention wasn't to be tossed in there for a short while but rather earn that spot if that was an obtainable thing.

If it isn't something to be earned by works, could it be a donation type thing?

Just curious not only for myself but for others as well..