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By SheNeverMisses
#168303 Okay, so I am considering doing a Pixelmon RP for my channel, and have made a town. But for the important trainers, I want custom skins for them, and I don't know many Minecraft players' igns to use to get skins. The custom resource pack option in the Steve section of the editor seems to be the only way to do it, but I have no idea how to make it work. I can't find the location the Pixelmon wiki told me to go to to put them in, and none of the youtube videos do more than glance over that feature. Plus I haven't seen any packs of skins for Pixelmon to add to the game if that is what I need to do, I only find shaders packs and texture packs for blocks and things, and I want to use skins I choose. Can someone else maybe try and explain to me how to use that feature?

I am using the Pixelmon launcher, with Pixelmon 1.8

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By MoeBoy76
#168305 to add custom skins to be available your Resource Pack should have them in assets/pixelmon/textures/steve/ and then you use the name of the .png skin file to use it via Custom_RP
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By SheNeverMisses
#168310 I don't have any Resource Packs I don't think, I mean they seem to be packs of block textures and things whenever I look them up on google. I haven't seen any for download with a bunch of skins. How am I supposed to make a structure? I don't really get what you are telling me to do. I'm sorry if I'm just missing the obvious and bugging everyone.
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By MoeBoy76
#168317 when you create the RP that has the skins you want to use, you put them in the location i stated, if you have to create the folders then create them, it's that easy