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By IaeyanElyuex
#168477 I maintain a resource pack that includes mod support for Pixelmon. I just got a guy on PMC telling me the resource pack won't work with the Pixelmon launcher. I don't use the launcher, so hopefully someone can tell me what this guy should be doing. Thanks.

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By MoeBoy76
#168478 some versions ago it the launcher didn't create the resourcepacks folder when it launched the profile (cos for whatever reason Minecraft doesn't create the folder) so it gives an error when you try to open the RP folder from the menu, i just checked on the latest version and it seems to have created the folder but the solution to not having the folder is to create it

all they need to do is open the profile folder (folder button on the launcher) and create the resourcepacks folder and then place your RP inside
By IaeyanElyuex
#168596 Never mind. He forgot to extract the folder. Everyone makes that mistake with Pokécraft. I even put in the zip's filename, "ExtractThisFolder", and still people have this issue.