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By luiscorreia06
#169194 Hey guys! I posted a topic, but I'm not really sure aboit you said... I understud just '' there's no way to spawn/give a pokemon with specified growth tipe, just pokeedit''
So, I searched it and, it said to put the command with the alias, I don't know the alias!
How do i pokeedit a pokemon, in the 5 slot (for example, I want that) to make it every size I want?
I know there's a command to that, I yhink. What's the command, Please?
I would like to know the command /teach, like, if I chat /movelist Snorlax, it will appear like the moves he can learn, but he can learn whatever move I want with /teach?
Bye guys, I play pixelmon a lot!

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By Some Body
#169197 ... mon_Extras

/pokeedit @p 5 gr:ginormous

/movelist lists legitimate moves. /teach can teach any move, including illegal moves. They are not meant to be used with each other.