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By TrueDragon
#169258 Whenever I load up the installer it tells me that I can Modify it, Repair it, or Remove it. Now I am well aware that this is a installer not the game itself but I cant figure out how to open it so I can play the game. Please answer soon, thank you.

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By JamieS1211
#169265 Did you install the main feature?
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By JamieS1211
#169273 That is the downloads page. You need to get the pixelmon launcher and when you run the installation make sure you tick the "main feature" and add it. I just type pixelmon into my start bar and pixelmon launcher pops up and I click it. Don't click pixelmon launcher uninstaller
By TrueDragon
#169274 Hmmm, whenever I load the Launcher up it still says Modify, Repair, and Remove and I did tick the main feature so this is kinda weird. I also redownloaded it so I can see if it would load the thing that allows me to launch the game, and when I first opened the launcher and accepted all the terms and stuff the launcher thing opened and I played but I needed it to be on (I think) 1.7 for a server so I closed it and it only opens this thing now. Thanks for helping me so far and I will wait for your reply.
By TrueDragon
#169275 OH, I clicked repair then restarted my comp and IT worked! I'm sorry if i wasted your time though but your help was useful. Thank you I appreciated you help. :-D ;-) :-) :party: