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By Jnnsk
#169276 Hey guys, I haven't been on here for almost a year now and I felt like getting back into it, mod's looking amazing right now! (I started in late '13, so much has changed.)

Although I have got some questions youguys might be able to answer.

- With all these newer biomes and stuff my old maps (mainly some pokemon island) doesn't spawn all the pokemon (gotta catch 'em all!)- anyone got a map with all the biomes so I can catch 'em all?

- I've noticed there are PokeMarts finally! Me and my friends used to use this NPC mod back in the day to add all the items and some kinda currency system of unobtainable items in order to get all the TMs, pokeballs and combat items- I don't think the pokemarts will have all that so, could anyone help me out with this? If there's a mod or a file I could copy so I won't be busy for hours trying to get something a little balanced, that'd be great!

- Any other sidemods that could be really useful for my journey? I'd love to just have fun with a small group of friends on our own world of Pixelmon.

Ps, to the creators- definitely considering donating next month- Youguys are doing a great job!

Edit: Pps, no megas yet? :p I'd love those but they've been a big topic about a year ago (right before I stopped playing)

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By Some Body
#169277 -I would imagine you can find a biome-friendly map by searching around the Minecraft forums, as the demand for this kind of thing is not only restricted to Pixelmon. I am aware that there exists a particular "standard" seed used by the Minecraft all-achievements speedrun (which includes an achievement for visiting all biomes), so you could look into that as well.