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By nex86
#170752 We're running the latest version of Pixelmon on forge-1.8.9-,
for some reason looking at NPC villages lag people's clients (including mine) badly down to 1-2 fps.
I doubt its a clientside issue since basically everyone has the problem.

we're using the following mods:

- spongeforge-1.8.9-1763-4.1.0-BETA-1213.jar
- worldedit-forge-mc1.8.9-6.1.1.jar
- EssentialCmds-7.8e.jar
and of course: Pixelmon-1.8.9-4.2.3-universal.jar

any ideas?
There are no errors or whatsoever showing up in the server console.

PS: we also tried increasing the memory for the client, I set it to -Xmx6144M with having a maximum of 16GB DDR3 RAM and it does not help at all.

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By MoeBoy76
#170757 PixelExtras 2.1.1 has a new command /pokenpckill, using "chatting" will kill all broken Pixelmon Villagers
By nex86
#170782 I did that, it said "No "chatting" NPCs were killed".
I did that in the village while the lag was present.

it might caused by Minecraft villagers, I need to get rid of them somehow but what plugin could do that?