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By saltandpepper2
#170802 Im having trouble installing mods that are not official side mods and was hoping to get some help. initially i assumed that just downloading the latest version of the mod and selecting browse for mods, then selecting the java file of the mod would be all that was needed but this did not work and it says that some mods are not compatible with this version of forge. am i doing this wrong or do i have to wait for the mod to be updated. the mod in question is InventoryTweeks, in case anyone has gotten it to work.

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By MoeBoy76
#170809 drag the mod(s) into the edit profile window section where mods are listed, just tested (and my launcher updated) and it worked fine with Optifine and InvTweaks
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By MoeBoy76
#170836 Pixelmon 4.2.3 and Forge 1722, that should not affect anything though as it's launcher functionality that hasn't changed and doesn't depend on mod versions