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By jawlord12
#171146 Hey all.
I was wondering if any delevopers could help me figure out how they created the initial start up screen where you select your beginner Pokemon, I'm looking to create my own mod, and I would like to make a similar selection screen. Any help would be great. Thanks!

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By jawlord12
#171188 Like did you code the dialog screen in or did you create it in a program, and how did you get it to run when the player first spawns in. Thanks!
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By MoeBoy76
#171211 It's a GUI with a few moving elements, it's opened by calling player.opengui() in one of the connection events after checking for party data
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By jawlord12
#171224 Ok, cool. I'm wanting to make like a character creation like GUI. So it seems like you coded the GUI, I may need to attempt that. What i'm using now is functional but not the look I want. Could you explain the start up events a bit more to me? Thanks for taking the time to help me. Really appericate it.
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By MrMasochism
#171313 There's a forge hook for on player join world which does the initial check for whether the starter screen should open. That sends a packet to the client which attempts to open the gui. It also sets a variable that will keep opening the gui up on each tick if the starter hasn't been selected as there are various mods (or even a slow load time) that can affect minecraft's gui opening code. Once the starter has been selected that variable is reset