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By HalestormXV
#172278 I have a rather simple question. I have a premade map that I downloaded. Its a quite beautiful map and it fits my "world" perfectly. So I plan to install Pixelmon on this map and was just curious to know if the structures generate retroactively or only on Chunk generation.

I ask this because as I indicated the world itself is already premade and created, I just haven't explored it yet as I just downloaded it yesterday. So I guess one would say the chunks haven't been loaded but because its a premade map all the information is already there. So will the Pokemarks and Pokecenters retroactively generate as I am loading chunks? Or so long as I am within the size of the world 8k x 8k, they won't generate.

If that is the case, is there a way to make them retroactively generate? Forgive me if this is in the config options as I haven't looked into them yet.