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By Natsurei
#173233 Hey,
Im playing Pixelmon with some additional mods like Biomes O Plenty and extrabiomesXL, but I cant find any structures (/struc doesnt work either) or Pokemon in the most Biomes.
I heard the spawn-biomes of the Pokemon can be changed with Spawn of Psyduck, but how about the structures?
Also, the download "SpawnofPsyduck 1.2 - 1.7.10" cannot be found, and there seem to be no other page to download.

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By MoeBoy76
#173256 stuctures can be set to load in different biomes in Pixelmon 4.2+ and SoP is currently only available via the launcher for 1.7.10 but once Pixelmon for 1.9 comes out i will be removing support for it