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By DarkKnife1
#173316 I was wondering, if we remove some of the pokemon from biomes, would that affect how much others spawn? like surely if we remove dugtrio from the mesa than an aron will take its place per each one that should've spawned?
And if that is correct then will that affect the amount of legends that spawn?
I've found that of the 4 new legendaries, regice spawns the most, i think ive seen 1 gigas and no one on the server has seen a rock/steel spawn

Thankyou for helping and dont be afraid to call me dumb for not understanding <3

Hiroku I <3 you
TheBantersaurus (yeah DarkKnife1 was my old name)

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By Some Body
#173630 Non-Legendary Pokémon spawn rates are relative, so if you a spawn, other Pokémon that are also present will take the removed spawn's place.

Legendary Pokémon use a completely different spawn rate that isn't affected by non-Legendary Pokémon spawns.