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By blackfire499
#173345 Hi Community

i like to use the external database function and think my settings are right

but after starting the server there are no tables and after conntecting something like

[10:29:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
[10:29:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
[10:29:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
[10:29:37] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
is written in the console

do i need to add the tables or what is wrong ??

Edit: Or maybe someone can explain me how to install h2 on debian??

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By Jay113355
#173468 I think you have to create the database in the mysql server. But pixelmon should create the tables it's self.

Also we package H2 in with pixelmon so you should be able to use it out of the box.
By blackfire499
#173621 The database exists only the tables won't be created.

H2 would be an option but we wanna try to combine the pixelmon server with the website.

I did a test if i can connect to my database with jdbc and its conntection so maybe my connection string is wrong or theres a bug in the plugin

Edit: or could it be because the mysql-connector.... is a newer version?? or because our Server is running on Linux?
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By Jay113355
#173640 So you've created the database within the mysql server and the user has full permissions? or at least CREATE, ALTER, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc?

Could you get me the full error from the console? paste it somewhere like Or
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By Isi
#173654 Are you using Cpanel to create the DB? If you are and you have multiple IPs available (and your server/website are running on alternate IPs, you'll have to whitelist the server IP)