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By SnowBlitzz
harrymanhire wrote:Wow I was about to click on lock topic lucky I didn't click that but anyway will you end up doing gen6 x and y emm >.> gen7 sun and moon

I don't think you're able to lock topics? Anyway I was wondering the same too. They look really nice and accurate, but since theyre old GUI designs probably not a lot of players will choose to use them. The black/white GUIs or heartgold/soulsilver might be cool to see though.
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By Creepah
#175192 Yup. I will be doing more recent generations, starting with RBE and FRLG, then working up the generations. I have currently just done the first two generations, because I play on a server (pokeballers :P) where there is a Kanto remake and a Johto remake is coming very soon. Hence why I added the cries, sprites, etc from just that generation for these.

Anyways, will do later generations eventually. There are a few busy weeks on my way at school, though, but I will do my best.
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By Creepah
#175513 UPDATE

  • Updated the MC 1.8.9 texture packs (fixed double battle GUI & shopkeeper GUI)
  • Added the same texture packs, which are compatible for MC 1.7.10 Pixelmon 3.4/3.5! (requested)