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By Gibus
#173769 is tere a way to get more mods? and yes i am new to this..
i could use some help and stuff on how to get more mods like the shaders and new minimap. would really help.


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By SnowBlitzz
#173775 Yes but those mods aren't related to pixelmon. There are many kinds of minimap mods, but I'd recommend Xaero's which you can download here: ... 1-8-1-7-10

Installing it is the same way as how you installed pixelmon, just put the mod in the mods folder in your .minecraft
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By MrMasochism
#173794 If you use the beta pixelmon launcher you can just install packs of mods from the pixpacks tab. The base pixelmon launcher has a series of pixpacks that can be downloaded for it on the downloads page here which will install things like optifine and shaders for you