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Replace the animated Techne models with unanimated SMD?


By OverlordDerp
#174676 Oh, hell yes.

I honestly don't mind a lack of animations, because the only frustration I've ever had with Pixelmon as a whole is the severe lack of Pokemon. I've actually been burned out by the mod once or twice due to how hard it is to make solid teams on multiplayer servers (battle-related bugs notwithstanding). If this allows the model makers and animators to say "models now, put 'em in, animations later", it'd be a godsend.
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By JamieS1211
SnowBlitzz wrote:Unpopular opinion but I think it's better to have them animated first before adding them in. This way it will be more systematic and also easier for you guys to know which haven't been updated yet.

This is a non issue. Kinda like finding a ring binder to put work you write, it can be done before or after and doesn't change the difficulty or speed of the work.
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By Chrisjg377
#176408 I honestly don't care if we have to go without animations for a while. This is something i always thought would be cool. Especially if it helps relieve pressure from the animators.