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By PikaChooks123
#174551 -=Game Freak out of ideas=-
If Pokémon stopped making games and reigons will this end?
If Pokémon stopped making games and reigons will this be speeded up?
If Pokémon stopped making games and reigons will every Pokémon be in here?

-=Animation Questions=-
In the future will every Pokémon have an Animation and 3D (Not Blocky)?
Will there be a sleeping animation? (When you get AFK with ur Pokémon out they would fall asleep)

Also can you speed up gen 3? Im making Pixelmon ideas for YT. Thanks! :D

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By MoeBoy76
#174565 As long as the team (or a team) continues to work on the mod it will continue to exist

There is no correlation between us adding things and new Pokémon games being made

If a statement from TPC and/or Gamefreak and/or Nintendo stating that there would be no new games would likely mean we would give a few years and then add whatever the last generation mechanics were

Eventually all models will be SMDs, meaning they will be smooth and have animations

It is unlikely that a sleeping animation will happen any time soon as there ae just not enough animators or time in their schedules