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By PownPoefer
#174896 Hello

I wanne make a pixelmon server so now I waswondering how much ram I need to create one on multicraft? Can you guys help?

Thank you

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By SnowBlitzz
#174904 Depends on how many players. 4GB should be enough for a small friends server I guess
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By PownPoefer
#174908 It's only for me and my friend. back In the days I did it on a server of 512 mb and now it doesn't work anymore? So is 4gb not to much?
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By SnowBlitzz
#174910 512mb is too little. For 2 people I'd say 2GB is enough, but still have to take into acount the specs of the server. Usually 2 is enough though so give it a try. If not put 3 in there should be more than enough.