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By bos1sox5
#175367 How is the fix going? Weirdly enough in roughly 1/20 tries I am able to actually access my PC, the other times encountering the same glitch. Hope you guys are close to being done with an emergency patch for this!

By Gershon
#175385 Me too so we can know whether to downgrade to 4.2.5 or stay
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By SnowBlitzz
#175389 I've personally downgraded since it caused more harm than 4.2.5
By razarsly12
#175408 same thing happens to me on my server. it makes it really hard to play. how long until the update will be ready (if you know). thanks
#175411 While fixing this issue in the next update, there seems to be a problem with Music Discs as well. Most of them appear as stacks of 0 in Chests of Dungeons, etc. Normally Music Discs are unstackable but if you try to put together 2 same Music Dicks of stack 0 then they combine to 1 stack 0 Music Disc (making 1 of them disappear). Also those 0 stack Music Disks cannot be shift-clicked to inventory and/or a Chest, etc. Can you fix this issue too plz in the next update?

If you get a stack 0 Music Disc you can place it in a Dispenser and make it be dispensed. It will then become a normal Music Disc.
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By MrMasochism
#175516 While fixing the pc fix we found a couple of other things that needed fixing and a couple more efficiency improvements. It'll be out as soon as we can get it to you
By mitasrb
#175548 Ive had the same problem on both my server and my sp world, when are you going to fix this.
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By MoeBoy76
#175550 it will be fixed when we fix it, the devs have been working tirelessly to figure out where and what is causing this as well as some other critical bugs/exploits as MrM mentioned above, once all is good a new build will be released