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By mazupicua
#175944 i've always launched my servers with a bat file and the following argument in it "java -Xmx2G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
pause" (minus the pause and nogui) to allocate more ram but that hasnt been working ever since like version 1.8.2 (not only for me but for 2 of my friends that are the only ones who host a server) could you please assist or correct?

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By TheHimayLegend
#175981 @echo off
java -Xmx5096M -Xms5096M -jar forge-1.8.9- nogui

"forge-1.8.9-" being the file that normally starts your server
By mazupicua
#176052 i know man thats what i used to use (different ram sizes) but it doesnt seem to work anymore. When i try the same thing you wrote i get this : Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx5096M
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Press any key to continue . . .

and yeah i got 16gb of ram and a 64 bit windows. i always launched my server with the bat but as i mentioned it doesnt really work for me (or 2 of my friends that also host servers) do you host a server (with the latest version of minecraft for pixelmon) and use the same bat?
By mazupicua
TheHimayLegend wrote:@echo off
java -Xmx5096M -Xms5096M -jar forge-1.8.9- nogui

"forge-1.8.9-" being the file that normally starts your server

Also i can only allocate 1gb of ram if not i get that error
By mazupicua
#176122 Yeah something clicked after i wrote that and i check the version of java that i downloaded (and my friends too) and it did say x64....but then i reisntalled the latest version which was also supposedly 64 bit and it started working. im guessing that some small glitch happened and it gave all 3 of us the 32 bit version (we did download from the same link) but anyways it works after reinstalling, Thanks. Also sorry for replying late even though the issue was fixed but i was gonna reply with my phone and then this happened (see the attachment and half of my screen gone) and i just forgot. Thanks again :)
Picture 2.jpg