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By MrMasochism
#176029 If you are doing this then you're editing files in a way which makes them incompatible with the mod. Paste your startup log here as it will have the issue printed out inside it
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By IBGnova
#176063 ...They are default I just turned on "use external" last night and that's what happened. If you could send me a fresh file I guess I could try that, or a working file.
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By IBGnova
#176068 Also, when I tried to generate the "Structures" and "Drops" folders nothing comes up in those. I'm not sure if they are just not added yet, but I thought that might be some useful information. If you would like me to send my pixelmon folder over I could.
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By IBGnova
#176070 Disabling it works, but when I try to re-enable it after deleting the pixelmon folder to try and gen a fresh one it does the same thing.