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By IBGnova
#176216 Hello,
I was wondering if there is any way to change the skin of a trainer I already have without deleting all the stuff that is already setup within that trainer. I have 8 gym leaders setup right now with random skins, but I have made a server texture pack and I want to use the skins I added with the texture pack without losing all the options of that trainer.

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By SnowBlitzz
#176228 Change his skin option of the trainer to "Custom Resource Pack" and input the name of the texture in the resourcepack. eg. if you have "Brock.png" in your texture pack, put "Brock" there
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By IBGnova
#176229 I know about this, but when you change the skin it resets all of that trainers info such as pokemon, quotes, and all other custom information.
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By SnowBlitzz
#176232 It does? Hmmm you could try using an nbteditor and see the results. Other than that I have no clue. You might have to remake all of them if that's the case.