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By Thliarisse
#176802 So I am attempting to set up a pixpack for a community I am involved with and I have followed the pixpack description and found a forum post with a good walk through explaining how to do it, but I continue to get an error saying the setup file is corrupt.
setup | Show
"Name":"Tactical Universe",
"forgeFile": "forge-1.8.9-",

I am unsure what I am doing wrong. Can anyone see what it is that I seem to be missing?

By Thliarisse
#176807 ok, nevermind, i fixed it and figured out what i did wrong. I have it working now.
By Thliarisse
#176823 Ok, so new error, still with Pixpack. I managed to get the launcher to read the pack, now when i click download i get this error:

NbtList had no elements and an Unknown ListType

Not sure on this one..
By Thliarisse
#176964 Sorry, i didn't hop on last night, if you are going to be around at roughly the same time, ill hang out on discord for a while, username Grotts.