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By RayquazaGamez
#177065 I got my friend and I downloaded Pixelmon Launcher to help us play Pixelmon easier. My friend downloaded his profile he created in under an hour (and he FOR SURE has worse internet for me, so that wouldnt be the problem), and I left mine on OVERNIGHT and it didnt even get to halfway across the screen. Like I said, my internet would more than likely not be the problem. I had almost everything closed except Skype. I have my memory on it all the way up, and theres only like 4 mods in it, where i can usually install modpacks with over a hundred mods in an hour. I sincerely think something is wrong with my Pixelmon Launcher, can anyone help?

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By nguyenquyhy
#177121 Sometimes the download of Pixelmon jar stucks for some unknown reason. We are working on improving this in the near future. In the mean time, please press cancel to stop the download and retry.

If that keeps happening, please download the jar file manually from PixemonMod website and drag & drop the downloaded jar file into profile editor.