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By SuzyStillwater
#177657 I found a Zorark outside my house and attempted to catch it with my starter Pokemon, Charmeleon, I succeeded to catch it but it like cloned itself and replaced my Charmeleon with a clone of itself. And I can't even summon this cloned Zorark to battle.. How do I get Charmeleon back?

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By harrymanhire
#177673 Oh thats easy to fix all you have to is get off the world and then go back on it or if it's a server get off the server and get back onto it also it's Zoroark Zorua if it's the small one zoroark if it's the evolution
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By SnowBlitzz
#177724 That doesn't really fix it. Sometimes it does, but most of the time nope.

A player managed to find that his pokemon randomly go inside the PC for no reason, even when he hasn't touched a PC recently. Another player I found was battling with a venusaur got stuck in battle, did /pokesee and he didn't have venusaur on his team but when I did /compsee it was there in his PC. This may be one of the many causes for being stuck in battle.

In most cases though, the player experiencing this bug would be healing their pokemon, to find out that one of the pokeballs didn't show up in the healer - the bugged pokemon so they would try to place them in the PC and out again - which worsens this since it dupes it most of the time.

Again these are just observations. I still do not have actual steps to reproduce this, since the nature of this bug seems to be random (at least from this standpoint)