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By YachtCrafter
#178375 Hey guys, this is my first time using these forums. I hope I'm posting this in the correct place :) I've been working all morning and I finally figured out how to install forge to my server. Now I don't know what Mods to put in! Lol. I want to keep it as just pixelmon and have everything else serverside. If anybody has suggestions for an "essentials" plugin, permissions plugin, and griefprevention/towny/claiming, that would be awesome. Thanks, and glad to be a part of this community!

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By MrMasochism
#178432 To get plugins in you'll need to be running sponge and spongeforge on your server
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By YachtCrafter
#178447 Thanks for the help guys :) I've been working with sponge for a tiny bit now, it really sucks that everything is in beta XD. Compatibility error here, missing file there... The works. I'm making progress though, I've already found a few plugins that are working with my sponge build.
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By MrMasochism
#178544 Sponge is coming together pretty quickly now that a lot more people are using it. I understand it's a pain working with beta versions but the only way we can get it towards stable is to start using it. That's why we've been pushing it so hard as there is no alternative