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By Simmimon
#178680 Hello! New to the community!
A few friends and i just got into pixelmon, after a few days of searching and searching for a server to play on with no luck...most are public and kits and difficulty to the game at all, getting a lvl 50 pokemon in the first 10 minutes peaceful mode.

We weren't happy that most servers we saw the only way to get string was at a shop with to spend in-game cash on.

We , the three of us are age 22+ , we're friendly, we like chatting, and if this goes well we'll have a discord server for those who want to come chat with voice while playing. Looking at a 10 slots for the server.

So here is our idea for a server.

Whitelisted server.
With vanilla mobs, easy difficulty (soo monsters, food to eat and like cows etc)

No plugins, but we do want to add a few mods like, antique atlas, iron chests (because vanilla chests suck antique atlas has a retro game feel to it and we like it/fits with pixelmon well).

Otherthan that simple server, work to earn your stuff with small difficulty.

Let me know if you're interested!

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By bvanseghi
#179770 In my experience, many servers were not at all overpowering the users at the very beginning. I suggest perhaps going back and looking at the vast array of servers. Maybe you and your friends just ran into a bad chain of them, which is quite unfortunate.