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By SigCorps
#179597 So which gyms have you seen in the newest version. So far I have only be able to find one, the grass gym and the main doors do not seem to work. I have also seen them double spawn. I do love the fact they route you through all the trainers. That is outstanding.

So I am wondering how their spawning mechanics work? Are they biome dependent? Do they have to spawn by a village, ect. Does distance from spawn play a factor? Anyone know?

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By Some Body
#179599 The Gym doors are operated with hidden pressure plates, which do not function for 5.0 yet.
By SigCorps
#179602 that explains that bit then. I just broke the glass
By SigCorps
#180647 So no info on the spawning mechanics, or has anyone found more than the grass gym?
By SigCorps
#180832 Cool that there is already info on the wiki. But my question about the spawning mechanics still stands.
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By MrMasochism
#180834 They have to spawn by villages which really makes them biome independent due to villages only spawning in 2 biomes