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By bvanseghi
#179849 As of right now, it doesn't seem possible, because the need for it has never arose.

If I may, why would you want such a thing?
By Yoshun92
#179857 Thanks for your response :)

And to answer your question, I'm French but I usually play Minecraft in English with the names of items in English. But Pixelmon, I would still be much more comfortable with the french.
In any case, nothing serious, it'd be just a contribution comfort.
(#googletranslate, I hope this is understandable ^^)
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By bvanseghi
#179862 I do not think that this is possible.

Language files in Pixelmon are "tied" to whatever the currently loaded Minecraft lang file is. Basically...

If Minecraft is English, Pixelmon is English.
If Minecraft is French, Pixelmon is French.
If Minecraft is Spanish, Pixelmon is Spanish.
And so on...

To change this, the Pixelmon devs may have to edit the way lang files are loaded. Which it is unlikely they may do that because it is such a rare request.

Hopefully I can be told I'm wrong for your sake. :/