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By Tiegrisboy
#180264 Hello,

I've been playing Pixelmon very much in the past, but now I want it to play together with a mod called "Minecraft Comes Alive" (MCA).
However, the Pixelmon mod changes the villagers to Pokémon characters, what simply throws out the whole MCA mod.

Is there any way to remove the changed villagers from the Pixelmon mod?
I would be very gratefull to find a way out of this and make it play perfectly with my other mod(s).
(Note: Right now I'm playing Minecraft 1.8.9 and I really don,t want to change to another version to get rid of these villagers)

By Tiegrisboy
#180271 I'm sorry, I don't want to sound like a complete idiot, but I'm pretty bad with finding these files and so on. I don't want to be much asking and already sorry for wasting your time this much, but could you maybe tell me where to look for it and what I have to change to do the job?