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By SpidaFly
#180667 When I'm on a server, it seems like there aren't a whole lot of Pokemon spawns. Maybe because of the quantity of people, maybe because Poke only spawn nearby (what is it, 16-50 blocks from the player)?

Anyway, my question is about tips for leveling when I'm on a server - either with a very low level safari or none at all - tips for getting Pokemon to spawn, or well... any tips at all on leveling more quickly/efficiently, really... :-D


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By bvanseghi
#180721 Pokemon are set up to spawn around players. By default, there is a maximum of 40 ground pokemon, 2 sky pokemon, 20 underground pokemon, and I believe 20 water pokemon.

The more spread out people are, the more the pokemon are spread out as well. Staying close to players will guarantee more Pokemon spawns.

As for leveling, the most efficient way WITHOUT risking your Pokemon of fainting is hurting Magikarp. Then, once you get a high enough level, go after Goldeens. Then, once you get a high enough level, go after Seakings.

To level up faster, but RISK your Pokemon, just attack anything that is a lower level than the Pokemon you want to gain levels.

Hope I helped.
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By Rasgnarok
#180796 From experience, I have found that flatter land makes for more spawning. Would have to be confirmed in the newer versions.
As for the actual number of spawns, that's a configuration setting in Pixelmon, which the admins of the server you play can tweak to adjust the spawning. Should ask them about that.

As for levelling faster, I'd advise using a Lucky Egg.