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By IaeyanElyuex
#181311 But has Forge gotten its poop together and fixed the mod item/block remapping yet? I've been off Minecraft since I found out my Pixelmon world was broken yet again after a Forge update. I figured there was no point and just quit.

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By LuckyClutch
#181316 Im not sure what you mean but i am pretty sure its fixed you would have to test it your self and confirm it. i mean i can just tell you its fixed and someone else will but what if it happens to you again and you did work for nothing you know, so its better to see things for your self :)
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By Rasgnarok
#181348 That... Pardon me but, do you know that Forge does constant updates? All you had to probably do is update to a later version. And even then, it sounds like you were off of MC for quite a while - because of a simple bug? Most of the mods/plugins that you use in MC are in constant updating, including Forge.

Lastly, a good player knows that updating can be risky, and prepares a backup of the important things he cannot bear to lose. Backing up is always the best and foremost policy.
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By MoeBoy76
#181360 MC changed stuff so blocks and items currently break, we are working on getting mappings to convert, thought you shouldn't be testing the beta on your 1.8.9 world(s) unless you have a backup