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By badd17
#181507 hey new to the pixelmon mod but does anybody know how i can get the names above the wild pokemon, all it tells me is the level of them but no name, it says the name of my pokemon when i throw it out, im using the latest minecraft, pixelmon and optifine if that helps


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By Some Body
#181508 This was a recent change. If you want to know the names of the Pokémon, use the Pokédex.
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By Deathwhitch
#181939 Yeah they changed it to force players to use the pokedex, I personally HATE HATE HATE this change. The pokedex is buggy in my experience and I often find it opening the wiki in the web browser instead of the pokedex in game.

Basically make sure you have no item in your hand when you press "I" to open it and make sure you have your crosshair on the pokemon. Its annoying but thats what you have to do now instead of having a config option to chose nameplate on or off.
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By Deathwhitch
#182040 I tried that, it still attempts to open my default browser half the time, the other half it still freezes my character in place to open in a game browser overlay (which I think might be worse as I can't exit it as fast half the time and get attacked by creepers while im frozen in place with a freaking overlay on my screen desperately trying to find my mouse pointer to close it)

The point here being this is a silly forced mechanic that I'm sure was implemented to add some realism to a game about fictional pocket monsters and make use of the in game pokedex but its not working, its annoying and generates more headache and complaints from players than it does information about pokemon.

My suggestion if you want to make people use the pokedex on a regular basis, make 2 seperate ones. A hotkey that pulls up the functioning and rather nice pokemon pokedex in game (only conataining pokemon)

And another hotkey for pulling up the item pokedex aka the wiki