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By meauhhh6105
#181891 So i need help creating a pixelmon server. My friends and I would like to play together and are trying to set up our own
I have looked up many tutorials but none seem to help me
i am currently using 1.8.9 pixelmon/MC

If anyone can give me a good detailed tutorial on how to do this, i would be very much in your debt.



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By Wreko
#182084 Have you tried the "Open to LAN" button on your PC, its straight forward and simple, turning your machine into a server graphically. ... _LAN_world

If you and your friends are on different networks and someone is hosting the server, to connect to their machine things can get tricky, two commonly used options are port forwarding (if not 'directly' connected to the internet) or a software vpn like solution that allows for peer to peer gaming. Instructions for both are easily googled or youtube'd.