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By Jadarko
#182428 All my Pokemon are gone. My computer crashed while my friends and I played a LAN world (I was hosting). After starting up the computer again and loading into the world, I noticed every pokemon I had was gone. Along with all my friends, all the pokemon in our PC's and hotbar were gone. We still had our items and nothing changed in the world (buildings, pokemon, etc), but every pokemon we had was gone. The texture for the pokemon hotbar and text is different as well. My PC has crashed before and this has never happened. Is there anyway to fix this? No point in playing anymore if there isn't... PLEASE HELP! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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By harrymanhire
#182432 You should of watched what update you were using next time use 5.0.0 beta 5 anything under beta 3 is buggy and is fixed in beta 4 and 5 but the only way to get back the pokemon is to use /pokegive or /pokespawn
By Jadarko
harrymanhire wrote:You should of watched what update you were using next time use 5.0.0 beta 5 anything under beta 3 is buggy and is fixed in beta 4 and 5 but the only way to get back the pokemon is to use /pokegive or /pokespawn
I'm not using a beta version though. I'm using 4.2.7 - 1.8.9 Recommended.