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By Mayyster
#182637 A couple of days ago my friend bought a server and everything we've been doing has run fine. My computer isn't the greatest so it's usually a little slow, but I decided to build a lab-like building. I thought it would be cool to have an NPC as a front desk kind of person, and knew another friend of mine spawned a trainer in and could change what he said so I wanted to try myself. My friend who owns the server tried spawning a ChattingNPC in, but nothing appeared, and my FPS dropped from 30 to 0 instantly. Whenever I am in my building I cant see the character but I can always here him opening and closing the door to move in and out. As of now, every time I look at my building my frame rate drops to 0 fps. And ideas on how to fix it? I've tried /kill @e as well as /kill @e[type=pixelmon.ChattingNPC] but nothing has worked.

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By derpicidal
#182644 The fastest way to remove it (because it is invisible) would be to restore the server to the point that he DID not have the NPC installed, then avoid putting that particular NPC down until you find the issue. I am not sure of the cause or issue i have not run into it on my server.
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By MoeBoy76
#182662 PixelExtras has /pokenpckill chatting which will kill all chattingnpcs that are loaded