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By Mew
#1917 I have a question I couldn't find the answer for. How does the spawning for pixelmon work? How long do they stay in the game? Is it while the chunk they are in is loaded? Also, do new pixelmon keep spawning in already-loaded chunks or would you have to travel (single player) or restart the server if on one to reset the pokémon spawned?

Just wondering how it works.

Thanks in advance. :)

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By MrMasochism
Mew wrote:I have a question I couldn't find the answer for. How does the spawning for pixelmon work? How long do they stay in the game? Is it while the chunk they are in is loaded? Also, do new pixelmon keep spawning in already-loaded chunks or would you have to travel (single player) or restart the server if on one to reset the pokémon spawned?

Just wondering how it works.

Thanks in advance. :)

Well, its all changing a fair bit in the next version so doesn't seem worth explaining how it currently is
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By Tom_X
#2044 That's scary... is the whole pokemon spawning system changing, or just a few things but the main idea will remain?
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By MrMasochism
#2108 It functions similar to now in terms of the overall feel but what's going on behind the scenes has been modified extensively
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By Tom_X
#2110 Oh, ok then, all that's left is to wait