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#183248 I have recently purchased Minecraft for my Grandson and installed correctly. He now wants Pixelmon so I have downloaded this correctly.
However when I try to load Pixelmon I get a Memory Requirement notification that this Pixpack requires 200mb of memory etc. May experience lag or crashes.
I have gone into Minecraft home page and the settings and tried to alter the PVM arguments as advised on line to 2G but this will not let me do it coming up with error:-

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release.

I have ample free space left on my computer hard drive.
Any help would be appreciated in easy to follow terms.

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By Some Body
#183259 Your system doesn't have enough RAM. First check if you have other programs open that are taking a lot of memory. If not, you may have to acquire more RAM on your system.

Alternatively, you may also have an outdated 32-bit version of Java. Make sure you have to most up-to-date 64-bit version of Java, and make sure you uninstall all outdated versions.