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By Arkitekt
#183307 Fixed the issue by installing Pixelmon 4.3.0 Beta 4.

Doing this also fixed SafePlace crashing MC after every fight.

Whenever I attempt to trade a pixelmon to wondertrade I get an error saying an unknown issue arose and it was unable to continue. MC doesn't crash or anything, I'm just unable to trade pixelmon in.

Has anyone experienced this or have any ideas?

I've run WT and Pixelmon alone together and I still get the same message. I have 6 pixelmon in my team and more in my PC.

Running 4.3.0 Beta 5 and WT 4.3.1

Here is a snip of what's going on in the background:


Ok....well if that's not going to work, here's a link to the image: