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By GreatToadSage
#183399 Since I didn't receive help in the support forum's, , I wanted to be able to join the discord again, as I got off on the wrong foot with one of the mod's, and was removed. I apoloigized in the post, and I got no response even though it was viewed. But all I really wanted was help, and that was all. And I'm sorry for my actions toward's you. Please allow me to use the discord again, There's some issue's I'm having with the mod. And i'd like to talk possibly 1 on 1 with some people who know what there doing.

My issue's, mainly are trying to find a Mod Similar to the Holographic Display Mod, Also trying to find a mod that makes a world guard so people can't break stuff in the spawn, and only in the survival area! I'm using sponge forge if that help's.

But please disregaurd my action's, and allow me to rejoin discord I'm not a bad person just givin false information and I apologize! :c