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By only1balto
#183427 Hello all. I've been playing with my kids for a while now, and we're getting to the point where we want to catch more- however we've run out of space. I know that there are those computers that you can "deposit" pixelmon in, but there isn't any around us, and we've already built up a huge city. Is there any way we can build the machine to implement in the Poke Center? Or is my only hope to restart the game and find a center with one already in it? Thanks in advance!

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By only1balto
#183432 We've been restarting in village seeds and it seems that we can't find any with the computer. May times the healer who's standing next to the healing machine won't work either- he'll say he can't find a healer.
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By bvanseghi
#183433 Hi!

PC's can be built in Vanilla Minecraft. Here is the recipe on PC's.

Also, the Nurse needs to be right next to the healer to use it. You can push him closer to it if needed. Also, you can just right click the healer itself and not the nurse.
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By only1balto
#183498 We've been having a blast- traveling over seas, finding multiple villages, new pixelmons- and the icing on the cake was when I found out that I could fly on my Fierrow! However this entire time I was trying to get my daughter to ride on her Ponyta. We found a saddle and we're able to hop on it- but it won't go anywhere? We also tried feeding it an apple which it wouldn't take.
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By only1balto
Some Body wrote:

When she hops on she isn't able to move Ponyta forward. She can rotate the mount, but that's it. WASD doesn't propel the mount at all. Only my flying one. We haven't disabled allowRiding so I don't think that would be it.