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By MikkelRH03
#184026 Hi
I have been on a lot of different Pixelmon servers and i havent really found the right one, cause what i want is one where you are able to ride Pokemons, And people are allowed to create their own official gyms. And basically do like the youtubers do (I know that kinda sounds like im some little 10 year old but don't worry, and sorry for the example) I want one where it is free build, and you dont have to claim, so that means i want one where i can trust people. Sorry if i sound kinda needy xD It is fine if it is Whitelisted my IGN is MikkelRH03, i don't have the time for a full application right now. But you guys can just ask.

Sorry if my english is kinda bad it isnt my main language.

By Crysileus
#184046 I feel the same way about most public pixelmon servers. That is why I ended up creating my own server for my friends and I. The only thing we don't have is the gyms. If you care to join please private message me.
By MikkelRH03
#184370 And Crysileus have you seen my PMs to you? Cause i don't know if i did it right. While im waiting if anyone has one please PM me :D