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By BeastKing0
#185953 Yes I know this is something no one talks about but allow me an answer or to shed some light in this, when you try to ise /pokegive username mewtwo lvl110 it says Cheater! Yet how come JeromeASF on PokeLB has a lvl110 Gengar named PurpleBooty... Plugin? Secret feature? Sidemod? Illegal modification to games code? Please due tell me as a server owner having the feature of a level cap upto maybe 300 would be amazing!!

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By Rasgnarok
#185954 Going to attempt answering this one
If that one dude has a lvl 101+ pokemon, it means it's NBT tag got modified to that. No you can't do that through Pixelmon means (because canon), but you can certainly make do with an NBTeditor mod.