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By AcestersBlue
#187741 It is impossible though because you can't click run, bag, or fight... your cursor constantly goes back to the middle of the screen faster than you can move it down to click anything cause the camera is rotating so often and every rotate re-places your mouse cursor in the center... :( I will ask the server owner about installing a beta but I wish there was a local fix. I don't understand why the setting doesn't seem to exist anywhere in the files for us.

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By AcestersBlue
#187746 Also sorry for whatever I did to make you feel the need to respond that way, and I apologize for being a bit snippy too. I honestly don't mind restarting but it took me months to convince this server owner to try pixelmon cause I love it and I wanted to show some of my friends pokemon so it was really upsetting when the recommended version wouldn't work well for us. Some of the players play with touchpads and they just kind of gave up unfortunately. :/ hopefully updating will help.
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By MrMasochism
#187838 I understand you asking for hotfixes for old versions but we simply don't have the manpower to keep old versions updated, new versions are our fixes for old problems