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By AcestersBlue
#187200 My friends and are just started pixelmon and the constant rotating, spinning and changing camera has made battling near impossible, how can we disable it? Thanks.

4.2.7 pixelmon --- and minecraft 1.8.9

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By Rasgnarok
#187228 Spinning? That would be the camera rotation. You'd want to turn that off in the config option on the client side - use `spinBattleCamera` and set it to false.
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By AcestersBlue
#187289 I went through all the settings and also tried searching it with the little search thing and it doesn't seem to be there.. this is 4.2.7 pixelmon like I said earlier if that makes a difference?

I had a few friends check as well and they also can't find it. :/
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By AcestersBlue
#187290 "Mods" section in the main menu or the "Mod Options" section in-game. I tried both of these and have no way to open the file from the game Dir.
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By SnowBlitzz
#187313 Click the windows icon at the bottom left (hope you use windows) and type %appdata% in the search bar, click the appdata directory and enter .minecraft, or .pixelmon if you're using the pixelmon launcher. There should be a config directory which you'll find the pixelmon.hocon file in. Use a file editor to open it and change the settings.
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By AcestersBlue
#187378 I don't have a file editor but my friend that does tried on his and had no luck. I am okay with trying, what do you recommend for a file editor?
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By AcestersBlue
#187379 It wont let me open it with notepad.. idk why. Anyways he says that he has opened and read the file but that setting isn't in there anywhere.
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By MrMasochism
#187532 While I refute your claim that it makes battling impossible as technically you don't need a camera at all to battle the later versions of the beta are introducing a second method of battle camera which is fully player controlled. Here's a video: