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By Krafters
#187749 since since beta 9 on 1.8.9,

I can't use /pokegive (Playername) Random

but I can use /pokegiveegg (Playername) Random

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By Some Body
#187751 If you are using Pixelmon Extras, its /pokegive doesn't support that argument.
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By MoeBoy76
#187762 not sure why not, i'll add it into the next build i make
By Krafters
#187848 I just realized that pixelmon extras has the command /pokerandom but this command only does shiny and you can't do the level you want it to be
e.g. /pokerandom [PlayerName] [PokemonName] S lvl100
will give you a [PokemonName] S but a random level that the pokemon can be in the wild.