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By Lymmea
#187835 So I've made a Wondertrade pool of 500 Pokemon on my server, because a pool of 100 seemed to be getting us a lot of repeats. However, when I use the /wtadmin list command to see what our pool looks like, it only shows Pokemon 400 through 500 in the pool; the rest gets scrolled out of the chat history limits.

Is there any way for me to see the full list? Can I specify the command to list only, say, the first hundred Pokemon in the pool, or Pokemon 200-300 in the pool, or something like that? Is there a way to list only shiny/legendary Pokemon that might be in the pool? (Because usually what I want to know is 'okay, what shiny/legendary Pokemon is in here?' and spamming my way through Wondertrading until I get it myself - when most of the time I don't even want it, I just want to know what it IS - isn't much of a solution.)