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By ATNicholas
#187885 Hey guys, sorry if it's just an obvious question, but I've looked up on a lot of places on Google, and while there's plenty of explanation just about everywhere on how to access the config file for Pixelmon while on single-player or LAN, but I've made a dedicated server and haven't a real clue how to access that file in any shape or form.

The only file I have concerning this mod is the jar file for my mod. (But then again, most tutorials online say that should be the only file concerning a Minecraft Server)

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By MrMasochism
#187930 once you've run that server once with pixelmon installed the pixelmon.hocon will appear in the servers config directory. You can edit that with any text editor
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By Deathwhitch
#187966 ay plans to add a spawn of psyduck style config for pokemon spawns. I'm running on 1.10.2 and no version of that mod works with it, even the one labeled 1.10.2. That and while on the topic of spawns NPC's are flooding my server no mapper what rarity I set them at. I have shop keepers, trainers, and traders like EVERWHERE. I think the issue is that they spawn at the right rate but don't seem to ever despawn