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By Zamana
#187925 I'm trying to figure out how to be able to tell if i caught a pokémon or not. If I use the pokedex on the pokémon it will ID all of its information rather than just some of it. Any ideas anyone?

By Zamana
#187956 Thank you for your reply, I will provide screenshots of two pokémon one caught, and one not. I have Wartortle but have only use the pokédex to point at a dugtrio. I do not see the pokéball icon. Is there a button I need to press to display this? not caught This is caught
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By Deathwhitch
#187967 I have the same issue, the pokeball icon does show up when you battle a pokemon you already have though. So right now I start a battle with any pokemon I'm unsure of. Bit of a pain but it works