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By rjsteward
#188316 Ok. I am trying to learn my way around the minecraft/pixelmon world. I have been working with tech and programming for a long time, so I'm a newbie with this world; but not with computers.

Here's my issue. I want to play these games with my 7 year old grandson who already knows all about this world of minecraft.

when I view a play minecraft video from your homepage, I get f-bombed 3 times in the first 10 seconds. Why is this okay?

Now, I have to screen your videos before allowing my grandson to watch.

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By Some Body
#188326 This is the reality of the internet. If you wish to shield people from explicit content, you will need to continue prescreening it.
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By MoeBoy76
#188337 If you are referring to the Achievement Hunter Let's Plays then you should probably make sure you have age restriction turned on for youtube, the videos are also retweets in the Twitter feed and are not specifically on the homepage
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By MrMasochism
#188432 Our twitter retweets is an automatic tracker but as was said earlier you can put some basic restrictions on youtube to stop anything like that playing